VIA is the business association that represents the interests of all businesses involved in importing, preparing, wholesaling and retailing most used vehicles that are imported into New Zealand from Japan, Singapore and other source markets.
We work to advance the interests of the imported vehicle industry – now and looking into the future.
We provide our members and the industry with expert technical advice and access to specialised resources.
We connect our members with Government and wider industry contacts, to build their own relationships and create new opportunities.
Christmas and New Year 2024/25
Read MoreVIA recommends members to check out the BMW recall websites prior to purchase and to have outstanding replacements carried out in Japan prior to shipping.
Read MoreVIA is sad to report the passing of Gerald Edward George Lawrence (Gerald) in his 81st year.
Read MoreAn informational video describing the compliance process required when importing used Japanese cars into New Zealand.
A colleague recently asked me for my comments and opinions on likely developments in the transport sector, and most importantly how the motor vehicle industry will evolve. But I must admit that my crystal ball needs a good polish before I can make any predictions with confidence.
Read More →01/11/18
When I was young, like most kids, I had toy cars. I built roads for them in the dirt and drove them about. How I played with those cars was a reflection on how I saw the world – with a bit of fun mixed in. A few months ago, I observed my young kids playing with their cars. They were playing very differently to how I ever did. They were making roads and then lining the cars up end on end.
Read More →23/10/18
On a crisp evening in mid-July, VIA welcomed senior industry representatives and Government officials at The Grounds Eatery in Henderson, for our annual Vehicle Industry Dinner. With the now-customary address by our current Minister of Transport, the Hon Phil Twyford, the event lived up to its growing reputation as “the” industry event of the year.
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